Civil Litigation

UPPER MARLBORO & PRINCE FREDERICK LAW FIRMLegal Services Customized To Fit Your Needs

Our law firm is prepared to assist with many civil litigation matters, including personal injury, business law, and real estate litigation. In particular, we have a great deal of experience helping our clients interpret and enforce contracts.

We believe that legal services should fit the needs of the client. When you work with our law firm, one of our attorneys will meet you personally to build a firm understanding of the legal situation that you face. Once we understand your needs and goals, we will pursue a legal solution that will best fulfill them. It is an approach that we have used thousands of times, one that ensures our clients get the personalized legal services they need at a reasonable rate.

SOUTHERN MARYLAND LAWYERSDecades of Civil Litigation Law Practice

Our law firm is capable of handling a wide variety of contract and real estate issues, including:

Contract disputes are a complex and demanding area of the law, one that requires an organized and experienced legal team. Errors can have significant financial consequences; it pays, then, to contact a civil litigation lawyer on whom you can rely.

Our law firm has decades of experience with civil litigation and related disputes. This experience works to our clients’ benefit; our attorneys have the knowledge and skill to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls that can come with contract disputes and real estate issues, enabling us to resolve these issues quickly and efficiently.

Contract Disputes

Contracts are fundamental to both personal and business relationships in Maryland. However, when disagreements arise, they can lead to complex legal disputes. Understanding these challenges is key to finding effective resolutions. Here, we explore ten common contract dispute scenarios that Maryland citizens and business owners may encounter, emphasizing the importance of consulting with Civil Litigation Attorneys at The Law Offices of Haskell & Dyer in Upper Marlboro, MD.

1. Breach of Business Partnership Agreements

Business partnerships in Maryland often rely on contracts outlining each partner’s responsibilities. Disputes arise when one partner fails to meet their obligations, potentially harming the business. Legal guidance is crucial to resolve these disputes or seek appropriate compensation.

2. Real Estate Contract Breaches

Real estate contracts bind parties to specific terms regarding property transactions. Disputes can occur over property condition disclosures, closing timelines, or breach of purchase agreements. Navigating these disputes requires a firm understanding of Maryland real estate law.

3. Employment Contract Issues

Employers and employees in Maryland may face disputes over contract terms, including non-compete clauses, salary agreements, or termination conditions. These disputes require careful legal analysis to protect the rights and interests of both parties.

4. Construction Contract Disagreements

Construction projects involve detailed contracts that specify project scope, timelines, and payment terms. Disputes often arise over delays, substandard work, or non-payment, necessitating legal intervention for resolution.

5. Service Agreement Conflicts

Service agreements between businesses and service providers can lead to disputes when there’s a disagreement over the scope of work, quality of service, or payment issues. Resolving these disputes often requires negotiation and legal expertise.

6. Lease Agreement Disputes

Landlords and tenants may disagree over lease terms, maintenance responsibilities, security deposits, or eviction processes. These disputes can be complex and require a legal approach that balances the rights of both parties.

7. Disputes Over Sales Contracts

Sales contracts for goods or services are prone to disputes over product quality, delivery times, or payment terms. Understanding contractual obligations and remedies available under Maryland law is essential in these scenarios.

8. Intellectual Property Agreement Violations

Intellectual property agreements are crucial for protecting creative or business assets. Disputes arise when there’s an alleged misuse or infringement of these rights, requiring specialized legal intervention.

9. Insurance Contract Disputes

Insurance contracts can be contentious, mainly when claims are denied or undervalued. Navigating these disputes requires understanding insurance laws and the specifics of the policy involved.

10. Joint Venture Agreements

Joint ventures involve contracts that stipulate each party’s roles, contributions, and profit-sharing. Disagreements can occur when parties have differing interpretations of these terms or if there’s a failure to meet obligations.

Real Estate Disputes

Real estate disputes are often complex due to the high value of property and the emotional attachment involved. These can include conflicts over property sales, lease agreement misunderstandings, or property rights disputes. Our firm navigates these issues with a deep understanding of real estate law, ensuring equitable solutions through negotiation or litigation.

1. Breach of Purchase Agreement

This occurs when the buyer or seller fails to fulfill their obligations outlined in a real estate purchase agreement, such as backing out the sale without a legal reason.

2. Property Line and Boundary Disputes

These disputes involve disagreements between property owners regarding the exact location of property lines, often requiring legal intervention.

3. Landlord-Tenant Disagreements

Disputes here can range from issues regarding lease violations non-payment of rent, to disagreements over security deposit returns, or maintenance responsibilities.

4. Zoning and Land Use Conflicts

These disputes arise when property owners face issues with local zoning laws, including disputes over land development, usage restrictions, or changes in zoning regulations.

5. Easement Disputes

This involves conflicts over the right of one party to use a portion of another party’s property for a specific purpose, such as access to a road or utility lines.

6. Construction Defects and Delays

Disputes in this category often occur when newly constructed or renovated properties have significant defects or when construction projects are substantially delayed.

7. Title Disputes

These arise over uncertainties or disagreements about who has legal ownership of a property, often due to issues like improper conveyance of title or undisclosed liens.

8. Real Estate Contract Misrepresentation

This occurs when one party to a real estate transaction makes false statements or omits crucial information, leading to disputes over the transaction’s validity.

9. Co-Owner Disputes

Such disputes occur among individuals who jointly own a property, often involving disagreements on the property’s management, use, or sale.

10. Foreclosure Disputes

These disputes arise when homeowners contest the legality or process of a foreclosure action initiated by a lender, often involving issues like predatory lending practices or improper notice.

Contract Interpretation

Misinterpretation of contract language can lead to significant legal disputes. Our role involves clarifying the intent and language of contracts for our clients, preventing disputes where possible, and resolving them when they arise. We specialize in dissecting complex legal jargon to uncover contract clauses’ true meaning and intent.

1. Ambiguity in Business Agreements

Disputes arise when the language in a business contract is open to multiple interpretations, leading to disagreements over the contract’s intent and terms.

2. Conflicting Terms in Service Contracts

Issues occur when conflicting clauses within a service contract create confusion about which terms take precedence.

3. Misunderstanding in Employment Contracts

Disputes stem from different interpretations of terms in employment contracts, such as job responsibilities, benefits, or termination clauses.

4. Lease Agreement Ambiguities

Conflicts arise from unclear or vague terms in lease agreements, often regarding tenant and landlord responsibilities or lease termination conditions.

5. Interpretation of Non-Compete Clauses

Disputes occur over the interpretation of non-compete contract clauses, particularly regarding their scope, duration, and enforceability.

6. Misinterpretation of Licensing Agreements

Issues arise when parties disagree on the interpretation of terms in licensing agreements, particularly around the scope of rights granted and limitations.

7. Confusion in Real Estate Purchase Contracts

Disputes stem from different understandings of terms in real estate contracts, such as property condition disclosures or closing obligations.

8. Warranty Provisions in Sales Contracts

Conflicts occur over the interpretation of warranty provisions in sales contracts, leading to disagreements about the extent of coverage and conditions.

9. Insurance Policy Interpretation Disputes

Disputes arise from differing interpretations of terms and coverage in insurance policies, particularly in the event of a claim.

10. Interpretation of Contractual Obligations in Joint Ventures

Issues stem from differing understandings of parties’ contractual obligations and rights in a joint venture agreement.

Specific Enforcement

In some cases, monetary compensation isn’t an adequate remedy. Specific enforcement involves compelling a party to fulfill their specific contractual obligations. Our firm skillfully represents clients in court to enforce contract terms, ensuring that agreements are honored as intended.

1. Enforcement of Real Estate Sales Agreements

Seeking court orders to compel a reluctant seller or buyer to complete a real estate transaction per the sales agreement’s terms.

2. Specific Performance in Business Purchase Contracts

Pursuing legal action to enforce the terms of a business purchase agreement, especially when monetary compensation is not an adequate remedy.

3. Fulfillment of Construction Contract Terms

Demanding the completion of construction projects as specified in the contract, particularly in cases of significant delays or deviation from agreed plans.

4. Adherence to Partnership Agreements

Enforcing specific terms of a partnership agreement, such as profit distribution or business operation roles, when one partner fails to comply.

5. Execution of Lease Agreement Provisions

Requiring landlords or tenants to fulfill specific lease obligations, like maintenance responsibilities or adhering to lease durations.

6. Compliance with Licensing Agreements

Ensuring that parties adhere to the specific terms of a licensing agreement, such as the use of intellectual property or payment of royalties.

7. Implementing Non-Compete Agreement Conditions

Enforcing non-compete clauses to prevent former employees or partners from competing unfairly or disclosing confidential information.

8. Delivery of Goods as Per Sales Contracts

Compelling sellers to deliver goods as agreed in sales contracts, mainly when substitutes or monetary compensation are insufficient.

9. Upholding Service Level Agreements in Contracts

Demanding the provision of services to the agreed standard and terms, as specified in service level agreements.

10. Enforcing Settlement Agreements from Mediation

Requiring parties to adhere to the terms of a settlement agreement reached through mediation, especially in civil or business conflicts.

Adverse Possession

Adverse possession is a unique and often misunderstood area of property law. It involves claiming land ownership based on prolonged, open, and notorious use. We guide clients through the legal complexities of these claims, whether they are seeking to establish ownership or contest an adverse possession claim.

1. Long-Term Residential Property Occupation

Claiming ownership of a residential property after living there uninterrupted and without the owner’s permission for a statutorily defined period.

2. Use of Vacant Land

Gaining legal title to a piece of vacant land after using it openly and continuously for several years as if it were one’s own.

3. Agricultural Use of Unused Property

Farmers or individuals using uncultivated land for agricultural purposes over an extended period, leading to potential claims of ownership.

4. Expansion into Adjacent Unused Land

Property owners extend their gardens or structures onto adjoining, unused land for a considerable duration without the original owner’s interference.

5. Possession of Abandoned Buildings

Occupying and maintaining abandoned buildings for a legally prescribed period, leading to potential ownership claims under adverse possession laws.

6. Use of Private Roads or Pathways

Long-term, uninterrupted use of a private road or pathway, potentially leading to a legal right over the path.

7. Encroachment of Boundary Lines

When part of a property unintentionally extends into a neighboring property, and over time, the encroaching owner may claim that portion of land.

8. Inherited Properties Left Unattended

Claiming ownership of inherited properties left unattended and occupied by non-owners for the required period.

9. Use of Non-residential Buildings

Occupying and using non-residential buildings such as warehouses or garages for an extended period, potentially leading to ownership claims.

10. Continuous Use of a Portion of a Public Property

In rare cases, long-term, uninterrupted use of a portion of public property for personal purposes could lead to an adverse possession claim, depending on jurisdictional laws.

Boundary Disputes

Boundary disputes require a delicate balance of legal expertise and negotiation skills. These disagreements often arise from unclear property lines or misinterpretations of land surveys. We represent clients in negotiations, mediation, and court proceedings to resolve these disputes, ensuring their property rights are protected.

1. Disagreements Over Fence Lines

Conflicts arise when neighbors disagree about the location of a fence line, often due to unclear property boundaries.

2. Overhanging Trees and Branches

Disputes involving trees or branches that extend over property lines, potentially causing damage or obstruction.

3. Encroachment of Structures

Issues arise when a building, shed, or other structure extends onto a neighbor’s property, leading to disputes over the rightful use of land.

4. Conflicting Survey Reports

Situations where different survey reports present conflicting property boundary lines, leading to disputes between property owners.

5. Landscaping and Gardening Conflicts

Disputes arising from landscaping or gardening activities that cross property boundaries without consent.

6. Access and Easement Disputes

Conflicts over the right to access or use a portion of another’s property, such as driveways or walkways, crossing property lines.

7. Water and Drainage Issues

Disputes concerning water flow and drainage where property alterations affect neighboring lands.

8. Discrepancies in Property Deeds

Issues arising from unclear or conflicting descriptions of property boundaries in deeds.

9. Shared Resources Disputes

Conflicts involving shared resources like ponds, wells, or driveways that lie on or near property boundaries.

10. Fence and Wall Maintenance Disagreements

Disputes over the responsibility for maintaining or repairing fences or walls on property boundaries.

Construction Disputes

Construction disputes often involve significant sums of money and complex contractual relationships. These can include issues with project delays, contract breaches, or substandard work. We provide comprehensive legal services, from contract review and negotiation to litigation and dispute resolution.

1. Delays in Project Completion

Disputes arise from significant delays in completing construction projects, affecting timelines and potentially leading to financial losses.

2. Quality of Workmanship Issues

Conflicts over the quality or standards of construction work, where the work performed does not meet the agreed-upon specifications or industry standards.

3. Non-Payment or Delayed Payment for Services

Disagreements involving contractors or subcontractors not being paid on time or disputes over the payment due for construction work.

4. Change Orders and Scope Creep

Disputes arising from changes to the original scope of work, leading to disagreements over additional costs and project timelines.

5. Contractual Breaches

Conflicts stemming from perceived or actual breaches of construction contracts, including failure to adhere to contractual terms and conditions.

6. Construction Liens

Disputes involving liens placed on a property by contractors or suppliers for non-payment of services or materials.

7. Construction Defect Claims

Issues related to claims of construction defects can range from structural problems to minor aesthetic issues.

8. Architect and Design Professional Disputes

Conflicts with architects or design professionals regarding a construction project’s design, specifications, or architectural oversight.

9. Insurance Coverage Disputes

Disagreements over the extent and applicability of insurance coverage in construction projects, particularly in damage or accidents.

10. Regulatory Compliance and Permitting Issues

Disputes arising from non-compliance with building codes, regulations, or permitting issues lead to legal complications and project delays.

Easement and Right of Way Disputes

Easement and right-of-way disputes involve the rights of one party to use another’s property for a specific purpose. These disputes can be intricate, involving analysis of deeds, land use laws, and prior agreements. We represent clients in negotiating agreements, resolving disputes, and, if necessary, litigating to protect their rights and interests.

1. Disputes Over Access Easements

Conflicts arise when a property owner blocks or restricts access to a path or road that others can use.

2. Utility Easement Encroachments

  • Issues involving a property owner building structures or making alterations that interfere with utility easements.

3. Disagreements on Easement Boundaries

Conflicts about the exact boundaries of an easement, especially when they are not clearly defined or marked.

4. Overuse of Shared Driveways or Paths

Disputes stemming from one party excessively using or obstructing a shared driveway or path, exceeding their easement rights.

5. Maintenance Responsibilities for Easements

Conflicts over who is responsible for maintaining areas under an easement, such as roads, fences, or landscaping.

6. Easement by Prescription Claims

Disputes arise when someone claims an easement right after continuously using a path or road for a certain period without the owner’s permission.

7. Conflicts Over Easement Abandonment

Issues arise when an easement holder allegedly abandons their rights due to non-use.

8. Disputes Involving Water Rights

Conflicts over easements related to water usage, including access to lakes, rivers, or irrigation systems.

9. Alteration of Easement Area

Disputes arise from one party altering the area covered by an easement, such as changing a road layout or landscaping.

10. Disagreements Over Easement Terms in Property Transfers

Conflicts arise when property is sold, and there are misunderstandings or disagreements over the terms of existing easements.

Landlord-Tenant Disputes

These disputes can be particularly contentious, involving eviction proceedings, security deposit issues, or disagreements over lease terms. We represent landlords and tenants, offering legal advice and representation to ensure their rights are respected and upheld.

1. Non-Payment of Rent

Disputes arise when tenants fail to pay rent on time, leading to potential eviction proceedings and legal actions for rent recovery.

2. Security Deposit Disagreements

Conflicts over the return of security deposits, including disagreements about deductions for repairs or cleaning.

3. Lease Violations

Disputes involving tenants violating lease terms, such as unauthorized occupants, pets, or subletting without permission.

4. Property Maintenance and Repairs

Conflicts regarding the responsibility for property maintenance and repairs, and disputes over living conditions or habitability issues.

5. Eviction Process and Procedures

Disputes related to the eviction process, including claims of illegal eviction or disputes over eviction notices and procedures.

6. Rent Increases and Lease Renewals

Conflicts arise from disagreements over rent increases, lease renewal terms, or changes to lease conditions.

7. Noise Complaints and Nuisance Issues

Disputes between landlords and tenants or among tenants regarding noise levels, disturbances, or other nuisance behaviors.

8. Tenant’s Right to Privacy

Conflicts over landlords’ entry into rental properties without proper notice or infringing on tenants’ privacy rights.

9. Damage to Rental Property

Disputes concerning damages to the rental property, determining responsibility, and resolving the cost of repairs.

10. Disagreements Over Housing Regulations and Rights

Conflicts involving misunderstandings or violations of housing regulations, tenant rights, or landlord obligations under local laws.

Contract Disputes

Contracts are fundamental to both personal and business relationships in Maryland. However, when disagreements arise, they can lead to complex legal disputes. Understanding these challenges is key to finding effective resolutions. Here, we explore ten common contract dispute scenarios that Maryland citizens and business owners may encounter, emphasizing the importance of consulting with Civil Litigation Attorneys at The Law Offices of Haskell & Dyer in Upper Marlboro, MD.

1. Breach of Business Partnership Agreements

Business partnerships in Maryland often rely on contracts outlining each partner’s responsibilities. Disputes arise when one partner fails to meet their obligations, potentially harming the business. Legal guidance is crucial to resolve these disputes or seek appropriate compensation.

2. Real Estate Contract Breaches

Real estate contracts bind parties to specific terms regarding property transactions. Disputes can occur over property condition disclosures, closing timelines, or breach of purchase agreements. Navigating these disputes requires a firm understanding of Maryland real estate law.

3. Employment Contract Issues

Employers and employees in Maryland may face disputes over contract terms, including non-compete clauses, salary agreements, or termination conditions. These disputes require careful legal analysis to protect the rights and interests of both parties.

4. Construction Contract Disagreements

Construction projects involve detailed contracts that specify project scope, timelines, and payment terms. Disputes often arise over delays, substandard work, or non-payment, necessitating legal intervention for resolution.

5. Service Agreement Conflicts

Service agreements between businesses and service providers can lead to disputes when there’s a disagreement over the scope of work, quality of service, or payment issues. Resolving these disputes often requires negotiation and legal expertise.

6. Lease Agreement Disputes

Landlords and tenants may disagree over lease terms, maintenance responsibilities, security deposits, or eviction processes. These disputes can be complex and require a legal approach that balances the rights of both parties.

7. Disputes Over Sales Contracts

Sales contracts for goods or services are prone to disputes over product quality, delivery times, or payment terms. Understanding contractual obligations and remedies available under Maryland law is essential in these scenarios.

8. Intellectual Property Agreement Violations

Intellectual property agreements are crucial for protecting creative or business assets. Disputes arise when there’s an alleged misuse or infringement of these rights, requiring specialized legal intervention.

9. Insurance Contract Disputes

Insurance contracts can be contentious, mainly when claims are denied or undervalued. Navigating these disputes requires understanding insurance laws and the specifics of the policy involved.

10. Joint Venture Agreements

Joint ventures involve contracts that stipulate each party’s roles, contributions, and profit-sharing. Disagreements can occur when parties have differing interpretations of these terms or if there’s a failure to meet obligations.

Real Estate Disputes

Real estate disputes are often complex due to the high value of property and the emotional attachment involved. These can include conflicts over property sales, lease agreement misunderstandings, or property rights disputes. Our firm navigates these issues with a deep understanding of real estate law, ensuring equitable solutions through negotiation or litigation.

1. Breach of Purchase Agreement

This occurs when the buyer or seller fails to fulfill their obligations outlined in a real estate purchase agreement, such as backing out the sale without a legal reason.

2. Property Line and Boundary Disputes

These disputes involve disagreements between property owners regarding the exact location of property lines, often requiring legal intervention.

3. Landlord-Tenant Disagreements

Disputes here can range from issues regarding lease violations non-payment of rent, to disagreements over security deposit returns, or maintenance responsibilities.

4. Zoning and Land Use Conflicts

These disputes arise when property owners face issues with local zoning laws, including disputes over land development, usage restrictions, or changes in zoning regulations.

5. Easement Disputes

This involves conflicts over the right of one party to use a portion of another party’s property for a specific purpose, such as access to a road or utility lines.

6. Construction Defects and Delays

Disputes in this category often occur when newly constructed or renovated properties have significant defects or when construction projects are substantially delayed.

7. Title Disputes

These arise over uncertainties or disagreements about who has legal ownership of a property, often due to issues like improper conveyance of title or undisclosed liens.

8. Real Estate Contract Misrepresentation

This occurs when one party to a real estate transaction makes false statements or omits crucial information, leading to disputes over the transaction’s validity.

9. Co-Owner Disputes

Such disputes occur among individuals who jointly own a property, often involving disagreements on the property’s management, use, or sale.

10. Foreclosure Disputes

These disputes arise when homeowners contest the legality or process of a foreclosure action initiated by a lender, often involving issues like predatory lending practices or improper notice.

Contract Interpretation

Misinterpretation of contract language can lead to significant legal disputes. Our role involves clarifying the intent and language of contracts for our clients, preventing disputes where possible, and resolving them when they arise. We specialize in dissecting complex legal jargon to uncover contract clauses’ true meaning and intent.

1. Ambiguity in Business Agreements

Disputes arise when the language in a business contract is open to multiple interpretations, leading to disagreements over the contract’s intent and terms.

2. Conflicting Terms in Service Contracts

Issues occur when conflicting clauses within a service contract create confusion about which terms take precedence.

3. Misunderstanding in Employment Contracts

Disputes stem from different interpretations of terms in employment contracts, such as job responsibilities, benefits, or termination clauses.

4. Lease Agreement Ambiguities

Conflicts arise from unclear or vague terms in lease agreements, often regarding tenant and landlord responsibilities or lease termination conditions.

5. Interpretation of Non-Compete Clauses

Disputes occur over the interpretation of non-compete contract clauses, particularly regarding their scope, duration, and enforceability.

6. Misinterpretation of Licensing Agreements

Issues arise when parties disagree on the interpretation of terms in licensing agreements, particularly around the scope of rights granted and limitations.

7. Confusion in Real Estate Purchase Contracts

Disputes stem from different understandings of terms in real estate contracts, such as property condition disclosures or closing obligations.

8. Warranty Provisions in Sales Contracts

Conflicts occur over the interpretation of warranty provisions in sales contracts, leading to disagreements about the extent of coverage and conditions.

9. Insurance Policy Interpretation Disputes

Disputes arise from differing interpretations of terms and coverage in insurance policies, particularly in the event of a claim.

10. Interpretation of Contractual Obligations in Joint Ventures

Issues stem from differing understandings of parties’ contractual obligations and rights in a joint venture agreement.

Specific Enforcement

In some cases, monetary compensation isn’t an adequate remedy. Specific enforcement involves compelling a party to fulfill their specific contractual obligations. Our firm skillfully represents clients in court to enforce contract terms, ensuring that agreements are honored as intended.

1. Enforcement of Real Estate Sales Agreements

Seeking court orders to compel a reluctant seller or buyer to complete a real estate transaction per the sales agreement’s terms.

2. Specific Performance in Business Purchase Contracts

Pursuing legal action to enforce the terms of a business purchase agreement, especially when monetary compensation is not an adequate remedy.

3. Fulfillment of Construction Contract Terms

Demanding the completion of construction projects as specified in the contract, particularly in cases of significant delays or deviation from agreed plans.

4. Adherence to Partnership Agreements

Enforcing specific terms of a partnership agreement, such as profit distribution or business operation roles, when one partner fails to comply.

5. Execution of Lease Agreement Provisions

Requiring landlords or tenants to fulfill specific lease obligations, like maintenance responsibilities or adhering to lease durations.

6. Compliance with Licensing Agreements

Ensuring that parties adhere to the specific terms of a licensing agreement, such as the use of intellectual property or payment of royalties.

7. Implementing Non-Compete Agreement Conditions

Enforcing non-compete clauses to prevent former employees or partners from competing unfairly or disclosing confidential information.

8. Delivery of Goods as Per Sales Contracts

Compelling sellers to deliver goods as agreed in sales contracts, mainly when substitutes or monetary compensation are insufficient.

9. Upholding Service Level Agreements in Contracts

Demanding the provision of services to the agreed standard and terms, as specified in service level agreements.

10. Enforcing Settlement Agreements from Mediation

Requiring parties to adhere to the terms of a settlement agreement reached through mediation, especially in civil or business conflicts.

Adverse Possession

Adverse possession is a unique and often misunderstood area of property law. It involves claiming land ownership based on prolonged, open, and notorious use. We guide clients through the legal complexities of these claims, whether they are seeking to establish ownership or contest an adverse possession claim.

1. Long-Term Residential Property Occupation

Claiming ownership of a residential property after living there uninterrupted and without the owner’s permission for a statutorily defined period.

2. Use of Vacant Land

Gaining legal title to a piece of vacant land after using it openly and continuously for several years as if it were one’s own.

3. Agricultural Use of Unused Property

Farmers or individuals using uncultivated land for agricultural purposes over an extended period, leading to potential claims of ownership.

4. Expansion into Adjacent Unused Land

Property owners extend their gardens or structures onto adjoining, unused land for a considerable duration without the original owner’s interference.

5. Possession of Abandoned Buildings

Occupying and maintaining abandoned buildings for a legally prescribed period, leading to potential ownership claims under adverse possession laws.

6. Use of Private Roads or Pathways

Long-term, uninterrupted use of a private road or pathway, potentially leading to a legal right over the path.

7. Encroachment of Boundary Lines

When part of a property unintentionally extends into a neighboring property, and over time, the encroaching owner may claim that portion of land.

8. Inherited Properties Left Unattended

Claiming ownership of inherited properties left unattended and occupied by non-owners for the required period.

9. Use of Non-residential Buildings

Occupying and using non-residential buildings such as warehouses or garages for an extended period, potentially leading to ownership claims.

10. Continuous Use of a Portion of a Public Property

In rare cases, long-term, uninterrupted use of a portion of public property for personal purposes could lead to an adverse possession claim, depending on jurisdictional laws.

Boundary Disputes

Boundary disputes require a delicate balance of legal expertise and negotiation skills. These disagreements often arise from unclear property lines or misinterpretations of land surveys. We represent clients in negotiations, mediation, and court proceedings to resolve these disputes, ensuring their property rights are protected.

1. Disagreements Over Fence Lines

Conflicts arise when neighbors disagree about the location of a fence line, often due to unclear property boundaries.

2. Overhanging Trees and Branches

Disputes involving trees or branches that extend over property lines, potentially causing damage or obstruction.

3. Encroachment of Structures

Issues arise when a building, shed, or other structure extends onto a neighbor’s property, leading to disputes over the rightful use of land.

4. Conflicting Survey Reports

Situations where different survey reports present conflicting property boundary lines, leading to disputes between property owners.

5. Landscaping and Gardening Conflicts

Disputes arising from landscaping or gardening activities that cross property boundaries without consent.

6. Access and Easement Disputes

Conflicts over the right to access or use a portion of another’s property, such as driveways or walkways, crossing property lines.

7. Water and Drainage Issues

Disputes concerning water flow and drainage where property alterations affect neighboring lands.

8. Discrepancies in Property Deeds

Issues arising from unclear or conflicting descriptions of property boundaries in deeds.

9. Shared Resources Disputes

Conflicts involving shared resources like ponds, wells, or driveways that lie on or near property boundaries.

10. Fence and Wall Maintenance Disagreements

Disputes over the responsibility for maintaining or repairing fences or walls on property boundaries.

Construction Disputes

Construction disputes often involve significant sums of money and complex contractual relationships. These can include issues with project delays, contract breaches, or substandard work. We provide comprehensive legal services, from contract review and negotiation to litigation and dispute resolution.

1. Delays in Project Completion

Disputes arise from significant delays in completing construction projects, affecting timelines and potentially leading to financial losses.

2. Quality of Workmanship Issues

Conflicts over the quality or standards of construction work, where the work performed does not meet the agreed-upon specifications or industry standards.

3. Non-Payment or Delayed Payment for Services

Disagreements involving contractors or subcontractors not being paid on time or disputes over the payment due for construction work.

4. Change Orders and Scope Creep

Disputes arising from changes to the original scope of work, leading to disagreements over additional costs and project timelines.

5. Contractual Breaches

Conflicts stemming from perceived or actual breaches of construction contracts, including failure to adhere to contractual terms and conditions.

6. Construction Liens

Disputes involving liens placed on a property by contractors or suppliers for non-payment of services or materials.

7. Construction Defect Claims

Issues related to claims of construction defects can range from structural problems to minor aesthetic issues.

8. Architect and Design Professional Disputes

Conflicts with architects or design professionals regarding a construction project’s design, specifications, or architectural oversight.

9. Insurance Coverage Disputes

Disagreements over the extent and applicability of insurance coverage in construction projects, particularly in damage or accidents.

10. Regulatory Compliance and Permitting Issues

Disputes arising from non-compliance with building codes, regulations, or permitting issues lead to legal complications and project delays.

Easement and Right of Way Disputes

Easement and right-of-way disputes involve the rights of one party to use another’s property for a specific purpose. These disputes can be intricate, involving analysis of deeds, land use laws, and prior agreements. We represent clients in negotiating agreements, resolving disputes, and, if necessary, litigating to protect their rights and interests.

1. Disputes Over Access Easements

Conflicts arise when a property owner blocks or restricts access to a path or road that others can use.

2. Utility Easement Encroachments

  • Issues involving a property owner building structures or making alterations that interfere with utility easements.

3. Disagreements on Easement Boundaries

Conflicts about the exact boundaries of an easement, especially when they are not clearly defined or marked.

4. Overuse of Shared Driveways or Paths

Disputes stemming from one party excessively using or obstructing a shared driveway or path, exceeding their easement rights.

5. Maintenance Responsibilities for Easements

Conflicts over who is responsible for maintaining areas under an easement, such as roads, fences, or landscaping.

6. Easement by Prescription Claims

Disputes arise when someone claims an easement right after continuously using a path or road for a certain period without the owner’s permission.

7. Conflicts Over Easement Abandonment

Issues arise when an easement holder allegedly abandons their rights due to non-use.

8. Disputes Involving Water Rights

Conflicts over easements related to water usage, including access to lakes, rivers, or irrigation systems.

9. Alteration of Easement Area

Disputes arise from one party altering the area covered by an easement, such as changing a road layout or landscaping.

10. Disagreements Over Easement Terms in Property Transfers

Conflicts arise when property is sold, and there are misunderstandings or disagreements over the terms of existing easements.

Landlord-Tenant Disputes

These disputes can be particularly contentious, involving eviction proceedings, security deposit issues, or disagreements over lease terms. We represent landlords and tenants, offering legal advice and representation to ensure their rights are respected and upheld.

1. Non-Payment of Rent

Disputes arise when tenants fail to pay rent on time, leading to potential eviction proceedings and legal actions for rent recovery.

2. Security Deposit Disagreements

Conflicts over the return of security deposits, including disagreements about deductions for repairs or cleaning.

3. Lease Violations

Disputes involving tenants violating lease terms, such as unauthorized occupants, pets, or subletting without permission.

4. Property Maintenance and Repairs

Conflicts regarding the responsibility for property maintenance and repairs, and disputes over living conditions or habitability issues.

5. Eviction Process and Procedures

Disputes related to the eviction process, including claims of illegal eviction or disputes over eviction notices and procedures.

6. Rent Increases and Lease Renewals

Conflicts arise from disagreements over rent increases, lease renewal terms, or changes to lease conditions.

7. Noise Complaints and Nuisance Issues

Disputes between landlords and tenants or among tenants regarding noise levels, disturbances, or other nuisance behaviors.

8. Tenant’s Right to Privacy

Conflicts over landlords’ entry into rental properties without proper notice or infringing on tenants’ privacy rights.

9. Damage to Rental Property

Disputes concerning damages to the rental property, determining responsibility, and resolving the cost of repairs.

10. Disagreements Over Housing Regulations and Rights

Conflicts involving misunderstandings or violations of housing regulations, tenant rights, or landlord obligations under local laws.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Haskell & Dyer ensure personalized legal services for its clients?

At Haskell & Dyer, we believe that every client’s situation is unique and deserves undivided attention. When you choose to work with us, our attorneys engage in one-on-one consultations to delve deep into the heart of your legal challenges. By establishing a comprehensive understanding of your specific needs and goals, we can craft a tailored legal strategy that aligns with your objectives. This personalized approach, which we’ve honed over thousands of cases, ensures that you receive the high-caliber, bespoke legal services you deserve, all while maintaining a cost-effective framework.

Are there specific challenges in Maryland when it comes to real estate and contract disputes?

Absolutely. Maryland’s real estate laws, for instance, have particular stipulations concerning adverse possession, boundary disputes, and property rights. Moreover, contractual obligations and the way they’re interpreted can differ based on local statutes and case law. At Haskell & Dyer, we’re adept at recognizing and navigating these Maryland-specific challenges. Our extensive experience within the state ensures that we’re always a step ahead, providing our clients with guidance that anticipates both common and uncommon hurdles they might face.

How does Haskell & Dyer approach contract disputes and real estate issues differently than other law firms?

With decades of experience under our belt, Haskell & Dyer takes a proactive and client-centered approach. Contract and real estate disputes can be financially draining and time-consuming. We recognize the significance of these challenges and strive to resolve them efficiently, ensuring our clients avoid common pitfalls. Additionally, our personal touch sets us apart: we make it a priority to intimately understand our client’s unique situation. By tailoring our legal strategies to fit each client’s specific needs, we ensure a more efficient and effective resolution process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Haskell & Dyer ensure personalized legal services for its clients?

At Haskell & Dyer, we believe that every client’s situation is unique and deserves undivided attention. When you choose to work with us, our attorneys engage in one-on-one consultations to delve deep into the heart of your legal challenges. By establishing a comprehensive understanding of your specific needs and goals, we can craft a tailored legal strategy that aligns with your objectives. This personalized approach, which we’ve honed over thousands of cases, ensures that you receive the high-caliber, bespoke legal services you deserve, all while maintaining a cost-effective framework.

Are there specific challenges in Maryland when it comes to real estate and contract disputes?

Absolutely. Maryland’s real estate laws, for instance, have particular stipulations concerning adverse possession, boundary disputes, and property rights. Moreover, contractual obligations and the way they’re interpreted can differ based on local statutes and case law. At Haskell & Dyer, we’re adept at recognizing and navigating these Maryland-specific challenges. Our extensive experience within the state ensures that we’re always a step ahead, providing our clients with guidance that anticipates both common and uncommon hurdles they might face.

How does Haskell & Dyer approach contract disputes and real estate issues differently than other law firms?

With decades of experience under our belt, Haskell & Dyer takes a proactive and client-centered approach. Contract and real estate disputes can be financially draining and time-consuming. We recognize the significance of these challenges and strive to resolve them efficiently, ensuring our clients avoid common pitfalls. Additionally, our personal touch sets us apart: we make it a priority to intimately understand our client’s unique situation. By tailoring our legal strategies to fit each client’s specific needs, we ensure a more efficient and effective resolution process.